Chedeville - Life Without Limits


From the very beginning, Jody Espina worked with some of the greatest clarinetists in the world to develop the definitive classical mouthpiece. The most advanced form of digital scanning was used on legendary vintage Chedeville mouthpieces to assure that we were starting with a true Chedeville mouthpiece “blank”.  Several hundred prototypes were made in search of the ultimate clarinet mouthpiece deserving of the name “Chedeville”.  Since then, we’ve created only products that qualify within these guidelines for full bodied, harmonic, rich, mouthpieces, so that we may call our mouthpieces “truly great”.

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In 2018 Jody Espina, President and Founder of JodyJazz Inc, purchased Chedeville from Dr. Omar Henderson. Omar is a scientist and amateur clarinet player who wanted to recreate the sound of the original Chedeville mouthpieces made before World War II by developing a formula of hard rubber that recreates the sound of the original formula. Omar amazingly achieved his goal of duplicating the Chedeville Rubber after extensive research, scientific study and prototyping in the lab.

See The History of Hard Rubber

Jody Espina had been developing classical clarinet mouthpieces for two years before he purchased Chedeville. Once he had access to many of the Chedeville original mouthpieces and scans he was able to combine original Chedeville mouthpieces with some of his designs and with “Chedeville Rubber”. The results are stunning. All Chedeville mouthpieces will be handcrafted at the JodyJazz/Chedeville factory in Savannah Georgia made with new world technology and old world craftsmanship to the highest standards of excellence. JodyJazz is the world’s premier Jazz mouthpiece company founded in New York City in 2000.